Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas in Nigeria

While we didn't spend the actual Christmas Day in Nigeria, we did manage to feel festive. A huge thank you to our friends Emily and Monty who donated us their Christmas tree when they moved back to the States. Christmas isn't Christmas without a tree! Here's a picture of our place all Christmassed up.
Including a cute little button playing
Not actually that Christmassy... but hasn't our house come a long way? We're gonna be leaving it all behind in a few months! :(
 We also got to have an early Christmas with our adopted Tate family. Such a nice time and Neriah got totally spoiled!! 
Johnny Jump Up from Calli - woo hoo!
Opening presents
Thanks Steve and Jodi for the Bumbo!
Neriah and Jodi
Enough presents now guys!

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